The story of Oasis Palms is the story of every small town in America. They are born, they die, they are forgotten and then they are memorialized. Do not try to visit Oasis Palms, you won’t find it. There is nothing in the Ship Mountains today but rocks and sand. The only remaining artifact of Oasis Palms is in the garage of the author of this semi-true story. Click here to read our blog about our High-rail O-gauge recreation of the town of Oasis Palms.
It’s a semi-true story, believe it or not
I made up a few things and there’s some I forgot
But the life and the telling are both real to me
And they all run together and turn out to be
A semi-true story
I made up a few things and there’s some I forgot
But the life and the telling are both real to me
And they all run together and turn out to be
A semi-true story
— Jimmy Buffet
Rest in Paradise
Rest in Paradise